image of emmah

Front-end Developer & Social Scientist

Welcome to my portfolio, a hub of expertise and passion in the fields of front-end development, communications, media, development, activism, research, scriptwriting, and academia. I am Emmah Zanele Mpofu, a multifaceted practitioner dedicated to making a positive impact in society. With a diverse skill set and a commitment to making a positive impact, I`m excited to share my insights, experiences, and knowledge with you. Whether you are looking for cutting-edge web development tips, thought-provoking content on social issues, or innovative approaches to sustainable development, you`re in the right place. Join me on this journey of exploration and discovery as we strive to create a better world for all.


picture of nicky

Emmah Zanele Mpofu | Front-End Developer & Social Scientist based in Zimbabwe

.About Me.

Emmah, a certified front-end developer`s journey in the world of programming began with a passion for creating visually appealing websites that seamlessly blend aesthetics and functionality. Emmah's dedication to her craft is evident in her pursuit of knowledge and continuous learning. She Codes provided her with an excellent platform to enhance her skills and expand her horizons. Through this program, she gained valuable insights into the latest trends and techniques in front-end development. Her certificates are a testament to Emmah's commitment to excellence. Each certificate represents countless hours of hard work, perseverance, and a thirst for knowledge. These achievements have not only boosted her confidence but have also opened doors to exciting opportunities in the industry. Emmah's proficiency as a front-end developer extends beyond technical skills. She possesses a keen eye for design aesthetics, which enables her to create visually captivating websites that engage users from the moment they land on the page. Her ability to understand user experience and translate it into intuitive interfaces sets her apart from others in the field. As she continues her journey as a front-end developer, Emmah remains focused on honing her skills further. She is determined to stay updated with emerging technologies and industry best practices. With each new project she undertakes, Emmah strives for excellence while pushing boundaries creatively.

Emmah Zanele Mpofu also holds a Bachelor's honors degree in Media and Communication Studies, a Master of Science Degree in Development Studies, a Bachelor of Science Special Honors Degree in Monitoring and Evaluation, as well as being currently enrolled for her front-end development course with SheCodes. She has worked extensively both locally as well internationally; having been former Court Interpreter at Zimbabwe Judiciary Commission to formerly Programs Officer at Youth for Innovation Trust-harnessing African youth creative solutions on sustainable development. One Million Youth Actions Challenge / 2021 SDGs Ambassador at YETT Africa/ Activist/ Member with Activista Zimbabwe/ Researcher and Member with Humanities Research Institute of Africa (HRIA ). She is passionate about solving pertinent issues that plague developing countries especially those involved Climate Justice, Women Empowerment and Education on post colonial perspectives .There after she uses different methods which include Writings ,Academic researches, Theatrical Presentations, Pictures, Videos Music and Public Speaking, Appearances to achieve outstanding results in advocating against these challenges .When faced With stressful Situations or any Mental Challenges she often quotes "Where My Intelligence Fail Me my determination will carry me through".


SheCodes Workshop Projects

a restuarant in Victoria Falls

Weather App

Built with HTML, advanced CSS, advanced JavaScript and an active API

a restuarant in Victoria Falls

Dictionary App

Built with React, an active API and advanced CSS

a restuarant in Victoria Falls

AI Poem Generator App

Built with HTML, advanced CSS, advanced JavaScript and an active API

a restuarant in Victoria Falls

VicFalls Landing Page

Built with HTML and CSS

a restuarant in Victoria Falls

Weather App

Built using React, an active API and advanced CSS

a restuarant in Victoria Falls

World Clock App

Built with HTML, advanced CSS, an active API and advanced JavaScript

📮 Contact Me

My certification

advanced responsive web development
Advanced Coding
Advanced Coding

Passionate About
2021 SDG`s Ambassadors

2021 YETT Ambassadors